"The devil is in the details"
Turbo Estimator helps you start with a checklist of details when you use a previous estimate as the basis for your next estimate
Professional Estimators
Estimate for any number of contractors & subcontractors.
Each estimate includes author, client and job-site information.
"I am doing insurance work now and have been copying estimates from Turbo to the insurance company's software because it's faster & easier to do so." — Tom Haywood, Boston, Mass.
Stair Builders
Manages all the little details for staircases.
"We specialize in building freestanding, spiral staircases". — Ed Kirkish, Sunnyvale, CA.
Landscape architects can bid a job in minutes by using a similar estimate as the basis for their new estimate.
Put Floor preparation specifications into the database for quick retrieval.
Cubic yards of concrete, linear feet of forms, pounds of steel rebar.
Heavy Equipment
Set a minimum charge for heavy equipment.
Industrial & Residential Roofing
We worked our way through school as professional roofers.
Masons & Craftsmen
Great for smaller jobs
Paving & Flatwork
Bid on municipal jobs
Bid on factory jobs.
Heavy Construction
"You do the thinking — Turbo does the work"
"Professional reports are a real marketing tool."
— Journal of Light Construction
"We've found this to be the most functional, easy-to-use, and reasonably priced software available anywhere!"
—J. Hardy LeGuin
Design & Construction Resource Guide